Thursday 28 July 2011

Franck Ribery, Bayern Munich

Franck Ribery

Franck Ribery is a muslim footballer and was born in 7 April 1983 at Boulogne-sur-Mer. He was raised in a low income neighborhood on the fringes of the city. Currently he is a French footballer and plays for German club Bayern Munich. 

His Islamic name is Tarek or Bilal Mohammed Yusof. They have two daughters name Hiziya and Shahin. He once said: "It is Islam taht gives me strength on the field outside".

His French wife is Moroccan origin.Before  he went to turkey he had become a devout Muslim. This can be seen as he raises his hands to Allah before every match.

Primarily plays as a winger on the right side he is known for his pace, energy, skill and precise. Zenedine Zidane has called Ribery the " jewel of french football".

Franck Ribery Islam:

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